DDNS Server
DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) provides
dynamic DNS settings. With the designated DDNS
server, pre-entered HTTP address, and related
settings, the IP network camera using PPPoE dial up
connection (with dynamic IP) can only use a http
address (such as sqipcam.dyndns.org) to get a
connection, which is easy to memorize and facilitates
the view of the IP network camera without a fixed IP
Operating procedures:
Step 1: Register a group of user accounts, passwords
and Http address in the website providing DDNS
service (like http://www.dyndns.org);
Step 2:
Host Name
: Enter the website, account and
password applied with the address (IP address or
HTTP address) of the DDNS host respectively in the
fields of Host Name, Account ID, and Password;
Step 3:
Account ID
: Enter the account ID for login to
the DDNS host;
Step 4:
: Enter the password for login to the
DDNS host;
Step 5:
: Automatically display the status of
connection with the DDNS host;
Step 6: Click <
SNTP Server
NTP (Network Time Protocol) server is the time
server, which provides time calibration function for the
IP network camera.
Operating procedures:
Step 1:
: Enter the IP Address or HTTP
address of the NTP server;
Step 2: Select a time zone in the Time Zone drop-
down list box.
Step 3: Click <