Manual EDU 2AE/TOP e EDU 2AE/TOP/TA Rev.1.1
Page 5
5) Joint:
You can select the type of joint you are working on. A soft joint is typically a self tapping screw
on plastic or sheet metal, or a metric (machine) screw on a material subject to strain (for example: gasket, o
ring etc.) A hard joint is typically a fastener joining metal with metal.
If you select the option SOFT the screwdriver will run the complete cycle at the selected speed (see point
6.). When selecting the option HARD the screwdriver will maintain the selected speed for a selected time
after the start (see point 4.) and then the speed will be reduced automatically to apply a pre-torque before
reaching the preset torque. The type of joint is indicated as “J” on the main screen.
IMPORTANT: An incorrect selection of the joint type can result in inaccurate torque output.
- - - - - M E N U - - P R : 1 - - - - -
6 ) B r a k e
t i m e :
7 ) R a m p :
0 . 2 s
8 ) S p e e d :
6 0 0 r p m
6) Brake time:
This option can be selected
in combination with the option JOINT: HARD.
It indicates how long the selected speed (higher speed) will be on before switching to “pre
torque speed”
(lower speed). The “pre
torque speed” will be automatically chosen by the unit depending on the preset
torque. You can set the brake time from 0.3 to 10.0 sec.
To disable the function select OFF by pressing
as many times as needed. In this case the screwdriver will
automatically start at pre-torque speed, which cannot be set by the user.
CAUTION: The aim of the BRAKE TIME is only to speed up the approach time in case of long screws.
Reaching the torque at higher speed will result in inaccurate torque output. To avoid inaccurate torque
values we suggest selecting a shorter time, and then increase it step by step until finding the optimum time.
reached during the Brake Time won’t activate the torque signal and the message “
Error brake
” will be displayed on the main screen together with 2 beep sounds. The red led will turn on, too.
7) Ramp:
You can select the slow start time (acceleration) from 0.2 to 3.0 sec. This option is only available
for the screwing phase, while during the unscrewing phase the ramp time is always 0.2 sec. We suggest
using this option with self tapping screws.
ATTENTION: Reaching the torque while the ramp is still on could give as result a different torque level
from the one that results when the ramp is over. This is due to the motor acceleration.
Reaching the torque while the ramp is still on will activate the “screw OK” signal anyway (this option is
seful if you need to tighten screws that are already tightened, the so called “double hit” ).
On the other hand, if you wish to see an error signal during the preset torque in the ramp phase, you can
change the minimum time by setting value which is equal or superior to the ramp value (see point 9).
8) Speed:
You can select any speed value of the screwdriver between nominal (maximum speed given in
the catalogue) and the minimum speed of every single screwdriver (see table with technical data).
- - - - - M E N U - - P R : 1 - - - - -
9 ) M i n
t i m e :
1 0 ) M a x
t i m e :
2 0 . 0 s
1 1 ) A u t o
r e v . :
0 . 7 s
9) Min time - Minimum Time:
You can set this time from 0.1 sec to 'Max time - 0.1s'. To disable the
function select OFF by pressing
as many times as needed. (Min time = 0).
Torque reached below the minimum time won’t activate the torque signal and will result in an error
signal. “
Below minimum time
” will be displayed on the status bar and the red led will light up. You will
hear two beep sounds, too.