- 13 -
antenna height, sampling interval, record mode and data type.
this is point ID for static, and it is the last 4 digits from serial number, but you can edit it if
you choose this item, there are 0-9 and A-Z for each digit.
This is the antenna height measure from ground point to measurement tape
This is the sampling rate for raw data storage
Auto indicates to collect static data automatically when the environment is OK;
Manual indicates to start collection manually.
This is used to choose the data format for raw data storage, such as STH, Rinex2.01
and Rinex3.02
Press F key to move to
option and press power key to confirm, here you can select the item
to edit by pressing F key. For example, press F key to move to Data type item and press power
key to setup what kind of data format we are going to record, press F key to move to Rinex2.x or
Rinex3.x and press power key to confirm, after that, press F key to move to OK option and press
Power key to finish setting and return to the coordinate/skyplot page.
After the receiver starts to record static data, the recording information (file size, recording time
and the epochs) will show on the screen.
File Size:
Real-time display the size of data file
Real-time display the recording time
Real-time display the quantity of epochs receiver already obtained
NOTE: Please make sure the static parameters are the same when there are several
receivers to collect static data at the same time.