. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Manual exposure adjustments 5-5, 5-6
Manual exposure mode 7-48
Medium (Thumbnail size) 8-16
IBM PC requirements 1-4
Macintosh requirements 1-2
Memory (Nonvolatile camera) 8-19
Memory preference (TWAIN) 4-36
Message(s) 8-54 to 8-74
Camera not found 6-4
Metering mode 5-6
Microphone 2-6, 3-5, 5-14, 7-27, A-4
Windows 95 1-5
Installation wizard 4-35
Windows ASPI files 4-33
Windows NT 4.0 1-5
Mini-din connector 7-17
Minus sign (Click-balance) 8-37
Moisture xi
Monitor 1-2 to 1-3, 1-4
Determines thumbnail size 8-4
Gamma 4-35
PowerBook 1-2
Monochrome camera models A-1
Color balance (Not available) 6-16
Mounting screw 2-3, 2-4, 7-43
Multiple images (Crop) 8-33
Multipurpose connector
7-pin mini-DIN A-5
KODAK camera back 7-17
Name area (Rename dialog box) 6-11,
8-26 to 8-30
Naming images.
See Rename icon
Native image data.
See Uninterpolated
Navigating 6-14 to 6-15
Navigation bar 6-7, 6-14 to 6-15, 6-20,
8-4, 8-9 to 8-10, 8-44 to 8-45
Crop dialog box 6-23, 6-24, 8-33 to
Go to edit box 6-14
Illustrated 6-14, 6-20, 6-25, 8-44
Location on driver 8-3
NC 2000 6-22, 8-29
NC 2000e 6-22, 8-29
New Media Bus Toaster 4-11, 4-25,
Next image (Navigation bar) 6-14, 6-15,
Nickel hydride battery 4-3, A-5
Noise (Defects) 5-16
Non-dedicated electronic flash 7-48
Non-volatile memory (Firmware) 4-38,
None (Photoshop Select menu) 8-4,
8-12, 8-12 to 8-15
Number (Images selected) 8-3, 8-45
OFF (O) setting 5-17
OK button
Acquire Contact Sheet dialog 8-16
Crop dialog box 6-25, 8-33
General preferences 8-25
ON (I) setting 5-17
On/Off state(KODAK camera
back) 7-31
One Shot AF 5-6, 5-17
Operating humidity A-11
Operating temperatures A-11
Equipment H-1 to H-5
IBM PC sound card 1-5
Orientation of images.
See Rotate icons
Origin point.
See Crop: Dialog box: Top
Output Resolution (Acquire Contact
Sheet dialog) 8-16
Overloading power outlets xi
Packing x
Paste (Photoshop Edit menu) 8-12
PC (SCSI setting) 4-11, 7-15
SCSI ID 4-25
SCSI indicator 4-10
SCSI2 connector 4-12
PC terminal (Flash) 5-17, 7-48
PCMCIA card xii, xiii, 1-6, 2-5, 3-2, 3-4,
7-18, A-5
Connected to computer 6-3
Defined B-4
DOS formatted 3-5, 4-40
Erase 8-20
Format 8-20
Full 7-23
Insert and remove card 4-26 to 4-31,
Ordering from Kodak H-1
See Recover
Release button 4-29
Storage capacity A-3, A-5
Supported cards 7-18
Use with care 6-3
Working with Images 6-3 to 6-25
PCMCIA card reader 7-18
PCMCIA-ATA Type III slot A-4
PCMCIA-to-SCSI II adapter 4-11, 4-25,
Pelican Pro Case 1550 (Ordering) H-3
Pentium processor 1-4
Personal Computer Memory Card
International Assoc..
See PCMCIA card
Acquire As menu 8-13, 8-39
Acquire menu 6-7
Photoshop 1-3, 1-5
Acquire images 6-1 to 6-2
Acquire submenu 6-4
Actions 8-47 to 8-50
Camera connected to computer 6-3
Caption field 6-13, 8-15
Driver (Defined) B-4
Edit menu 8-12
Copy 8-12
Cut 8-12
Paste 8-12
File menu 3-4
Import submenu 6-4
Menus 8-12
Location on driver 8-3
Open command 6-4
Plug-ins 3-3
Calibration file 4-34