Output Current: Logarithmic Curve
Nonlinear output current characteristic: allows measurements over several decades, e.g., measuring very
low values with a high resolution and high values with a low resolution.
Parameters required: Start and end value
Possible start and end values
The start value must be at least one decade lower than the end value. Start value and end value must be
specified in the same units (either in µS/cm or in S/m, see listing):
1.0 µS/cm
10.0 µS/cm
0.001 S/cm
100.0 µS/cm
0.01 S/cm
1.0 mS/cm
0.1 S/cm
10.0 mS/cm
1.0 S/cm
100.0 mS/cm
10.0 S/cm
1000 mS/cm
100 S/cm
The start value
is the next decade value below the lowest measured value.
The end value
is the next decade value above the highest measured value.
The number of decades results from:
Number of decades = log (end value) – log (start value)
The output current value is defined as follows:
Output current =
log(measured value) – log(start value)
Number of decades
Measured values
Start value
End value
Configuring the Current Output