Technical manual
360-drive page 20 of 26
Annex I EC-Declaration of Conformity
Konga Mekaniska Verkstad AB, Dång 2, SE 362 93 TINGSRYD
Declaration of conformity:
Job Number:
Date of award:
Date of delivery:
We, Konga Mekaniska,
Declare under our sole responsibility that the product:
WO No.:
Product Description: 360 Drive
to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the standard (s) or other (e)
normative (f) (ve) document (s):
EN ISO 12100-1
(Safety of machinery-Basic concepts, general principles for design-Part 1:
Basic terminology, methodology)
EN ISO 12100-2
(Safety of machinery-Basic concepts, general principles for design-Part 2:
Technical principles)
EN ISO 14121-1
(Safety of machinery - Risk assessment - Part 1: Principles)
EN 614-1
(Safety of machinery - Ergonomic design principles - Part 1: Terminology and
general principles)
EN 1175-1
(Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - Part 1: General
requirements for trucks with battery)
EN 1726-1
(Safety of industrial trucks - Industrial trucks
with capacity up to and including 10000 kg capacity and tractors with a drawbar pull
up to and including 20000
N - Part 1: General requirements)