Technical manual
360-drive page 14 of 26
5.7 Cleaning Procedure
The 360 drive must be disabled during the cleaning. Electrical components
must not come into contact with water or other liquids or acids.
IIf the cleaning work is done by others than the operating personnel of 360
drive one should be ensured that such persons have the correct instructions
to clean safely carry.
The 360-drive should be cleaned regularly. Depending on the circumstances, you can use
the following tools:
- DO NOT CLEAN WITH Hot or cold water high pressure cleaner
- Compressed air (specially inside the machine every 3 months)
- Suitable scrapers, brushes or abrasive sponges.
- Suitable detergents.
Before using a detergent, make sure that is suitable for the materials of the
5.8 Machine Vision
Unusual sounds usually indicate wear, loose or broken parts, or incorrect adjustment of 360
drive. These defects must be fixed as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration or
damage to the drive 360 and / or surrounding equipment.
If the drive 360 is used in accordance with the requirements, the noise level will be less than
70 dB.5.8
5.9 Driving on different surfaces and slopes
Although we in the technical specifications indicate that a slope of 5% with 800 pounds
towing grip is possible it depends much of the subsurface. The customer must independently
determine what is safe. On an outer slope a drive can be safe with a heavy load in summer
but in bad weather or frost in winter, the situation is quite different. This also applies to
situations in the house with ramps or floors that are rough or smooth. A slope with a kitchen
on slippery tiles is very different from a slope in a house with carpet. Decisive is not so much
the pulling speed or incline, but the braking ability to incline or braking in general.