usIng thE IcE crEam makEr
assEmblIng thE IcE crEam makEr
making ice cr_eam
Assemble and engage the freeze bowl,
dasher, and drive assembly.
ImPortant: Pouring batter into the freeze bowl before starting the mixer may cause the
batter to freeze prematurely and lock the dasher.
befor_e use
Set freezer to coldest setting. Store the
freeze bowl in the freezer for a minimum
of 15 hours. Prepare ice cream batter in
advance (see “Tips for Great Results”).
Off/0 Stir 2 4 6 8 10
Remove the dasher and the freeze bowl
and, using a rubber spatula or a plastic
or wooden spoon, transfer ice cream to
dessert dishes or to an airtight container
for storage.
Set the mixer to “STIR” speed and pour
the ice cream batter into the freeze
bowl; mix 20-30 minutes, or to desired
consistency. Add any solid ingredients
such as fruits, nuts, candies, or chocolate
chips, after 12-15 minutes of the mixing
notE: If the dasher begins to slip and make a clicking noise, this is an audible indicator that
the ice cream is done.
notE: The Ice Cream Maker Attachment will create a soft-consistency ice cream. For firmer
consistency, store ice cream in a shallow airtight container in the freezer for 2-4 hours.
ImPortant: Do not store ice cream in the freeze bowl in the freezer. Prying hard ice
cream out of the freeze bowl with metal scoops or utensils may damage the freeze bowl.