Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 1. Remove can of touchup paint from firebox. Remove logs and bag of glowing embers chunks from carton and inspect. There are
three logs and they are lettered A, B, and C.
Fig. 2. Shows rear log positioning bracket and 4 pin locating positions.
Fig. 3. Log A has 2 locating holes, position the 2 holes on the log over the 2 pins on the left side of the log mounting pan as shown in
the picture.
Fig. 4. Log B has 2 Locating holes, position the 2 holes on the log over the 2 pins on the right side of the log mounting pan as shown in
the picture.
Fig. 5. Log C has to be lowered into position just behind logs A and B. Log C has an area notched out of the rear of it to fit over rear
positioning bracket as shown in the picture.
Fig. 6. A bag of Ember chunks is supplied with the unit, it is very important that these chunks are placed onto the front burner and log
mounting pan as shown in the picture, spread the ember chucks out no more than one Layer deep. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT