* Patient Warming Systems
M000 Control Unit Operator’s Manual: U .S .
Flow Rate
Many factors contribute to reaching a target temperature, including the patient’s
temperature, the size of the patient, the surface area covered, and the water flow
rate through the pads .
Initially, when the Fluid Delivery Lines are connected to the Patient Pad Lines,
water will be pulled through the pads displacing the entrained air . This is reflected
in the lower right hand corner as “Flow Priming .” After one minute the system will
automatically calculate flow and display the flow rate in L/min (liters per minute) .
To ensure that water is flowing adequately through the pads, verify that all patient
lines are connected properly and are not kinked . After two minutes of flow, verify
that a flow rate is present on the screen .
Once all the pads are primed (approximately 0 minutes), assure the flow rate
displayed on the control panel is appropriate for the number of pads connected
(see Table 7) .
The system will track the initial highest flow rate . If flow drops by 50%, the
system will alert you to check the lines to ensure water is flowing to the patient .
The following is a list of suggestions for some commonly occurring conditions.
If there are any questions, please contact Kimberly-Clark Service.
Water flow rate suddenly decreases
Check to ensure lines are patent and not compressed or kinked . Check that
connections between Patient Pad Lines and Fluid Delivery Line are secure .
If a significant amount of air is present in the line and connections are
secure, the pad or Patient Pad Line may have been damaged . Disconnect the
damaged pad and replace if possible . If not, disconnect the pads and allow the
patient to be warmed with the remaining pad(s) .
5 .2 Troubleshooting
Number of Pads
Table 7
Number of
Flow Rate in liters
per minute