General 1-1
Chapter 1
Outlines and describes the features of the RC03-PCR-LA Remote
This device (RC03-PCR-LA) is a remote controller for the PCR-LA
Series AC power supplies. Use of the RC03-PCR-LA with a PCR-LA
AC power supply allows power line abnormality simulation.
A dedicated key is provided for data setting of power line abnormal-
ity simulation.
Power line abnormality simulation enables simulation of interruption,
fast voltage dip (dip) or fast voltage swell (pop).
The function is used to test switching power supplies or electronics
Applicable Product Version
This Remote Controller requires the PCR-LA Series AC power sup-
plies equipped with ROM of version 3.0X.
This Operation Manual applies to the RC04-PCR-LA Remote Con-
trollers equipped with ROM of version 1.0X.
When making an inquiry about the product, please provide us with
the following information:
- Model name
- ROM version
- Serial number
For the procedure for checking the ROM version of the Remote Con-
troller, see “3.2 Operation Check”. For the procedure for checking the
ROM version of the PCR-LA Series AC power supply, see the PCR-
LA Series AC Power Supply Operation Manual.