5-2 Parts Names and Functions
[1] OUTPUT key
Selects output ON/OFF. (Whenever this switch is pressed, output
ON/OFF is switched alternately.) When output is ON, the LED at
the right of the key lights up. Immediately after the POWER switch
is turned ON, output is OFF.
[2] ESC key
Used to end or cancel each operation.
[3] Rotary encoder
Used to set a numeric value such as voltage or frequency.
This is a rotary encoder with 24 clicks per rotation. The encoder
increases the set value when it is turned clockwise; it decreases the
set value when it is turned counterclockwise.
[4] ENTER key
Establishes the key operation. The LED above this key blinks during
ENTER wait.
This key has the same function as ENT on the PCR-LA AC power
supply control panel.
[5] SHIFT key
Enables the function set in blue letters below each key.
If the SHIFT key is pressed, the LED below this key lights up.
[6] 0, 1, 2, 3, .... 9 keys (numeric keys) and the “.” key
Used to directly enter the voltage, current and frequency values. (.:
Decimal point)
An input value is con
rmed when the ENTER key is pressed. It is
canceled if the ESC key or the CLR key is pressed.
+/- (SHIFT, 0) key
Switches polarity of the DC mode voltage (+/-).
Selects the key-lock mode.
In the key-lock mode, KEYLOCK lights up, and all keys except the
OUTPUT key and the KEYLOCK (SHIFT, 4) key are disabled.