A numeric parameter such as a decimal point, optional prefix, or measurement unit.
The syntax as a numeric representation is the same as NRf.
MINimum and MAXimum are available as substitutes for declaring certain values.
Units such as V, A, and W can also be used in a numeric parameter.
If a value that cannot be assigned is entered, the device rounds the value to the closest
possible value.
For PAT20-400T:
CURR 500
The range of values for SOUR:CURR is 0 % to 105 % of the rated output current. Thus, 500
is set even if 420 is specified.
Special form numeric parameter
The special form numeric parameters MINimum, MAXimum and DEFault can be used as
substitutes for limit values when the parameter is numeric. In the example below, the
current limit is set to the minimum value.
CURRent:PROTection MINimum
The minimum and maximum values can be inquired for most parameters using queries.
CURRent:PROTection? MAX
CURRent:PROTection? MIN
Measurement unit
Below are the default measurement units.
·V (voltage) ·A (current)
·S (second)
The following optional prefixes are supported.
·M (milli) ·U (micro)
• The unit symbols in the International System of Units (SI) contain lowercase characters. The
IEEE standard uses uppercase characters. SCPI commands are not case-sensitive.
• Commands are accepted even if a measurement unit are not specified.
• To enter "µ" in the data, use "U" instead.
PAT-T series Communication Interface Manual