November 2002
Kidde Gemini II System
On any system, it is possible to have only one cluster.
However, RHUs connected to the system, but not assigned
to the cluster, will operate as normal.
In the event that any panel in the cluster detects a decisive
alarm, it completes its time-out and transmits that informa-
tion to the MCP. The MCP then operates the solenoids of
the Agent cylinders via its Release Output terminals within
one second. The hazard area into which the gas is dumped
is controlled by the Stop Valves, which are activated via the
Stop Valve terminals of the panel with the decisive alarm.
Consequently, if the MCP detects a decisive alarm, it oper-
ates both the Cylinder Solenoids as well as the Stop Valve
Solenoids. If an RHU detects a decisive alarm, the MCP
operates the Cylinder Solenoids and the Stop Valve Sole-
noid is operated by that RHU.
In order for Stop Valve control to be operative, the MCP
and RHUs of that system must be so configured. Those
RHUs which are to be included in the cluster must be con-
figured as slaves via the MCP Set Menu. To be compat-
ible, every panel in the cluster must be configured for
Solenoid drive and the automatic and manual release de-
lays must be the same. Incompatible configuration set-
tings will result in a prompt for re-entry of the configuration.
If an established Master should lose its last remaining Slave
due either to de-registration or menu de-selection of the
RHU from the cluster, the MCP will no longer be able to
operate as a Master. The MCP will display a warning and
revert to independent operation. If the Release Output on
a Slave is Isolated, the Slave effectively isolates its Stop
Valve. It neither seeks permission to open the Stop Valve,
nor does it request releasing service from the Master.
All unused Release Circuit terminals must be terminated
with 2KOhm resistors as shown in the wiring diagrams in
For details of installation of suppression systems, please
refer the appropriate Kidde Suppression System design
3-2.3.2 Clustered Systems with Non-Identical Hazards
For clustered cylinder installations where each hazard in
the cluster is not identical, as shown in Figure 3-2, the MCP
and each RHU control the operation of their respective
Cylinder Solenoids as well as their respective Stop Valve
Since the MCP and RHUs control their own hazards, and
activate their main release circuit (R1/R2) as well as their
Stop Valve circuit (SV), the master-slave arrangement de-
scribed for identical hazards does not apply to non-identi-
cal systems. In other words, it is not necessary to set RHUs
as the Slaves in the Stop Valve Menu Setup.
The only exception is if two or more hazards in the cluster
happen to be identical and require the same numbers of
cylinders to be operated. These identical hazards should
be set up as a sub-cluster for identical hazards as described
in Paragraph 3-2.3.1. There can only be one identical sub-
cluster in an otherwise non-identical cluster.
All unused Release Circuit terminals must be terminated
with 2KOhm resistors as shown in the wiring diagrams in
For details of installation of suppression systems, please
refer the appropriate Kidde Suppression System design
The abort function is an algorithm which allows a pending
release to be aborted manually when an input is received
on the Abort input. The abort input does not affect other
relay inputs but will affect the indicating circuits if the Abort
tone has been set to ON.
Four abort modes can be set. When using the Main Con-
trol Panel for CO
release the Abort function must be inhib-
ited as specified in NFPA 12, Paragraph 1-8.3.10.
Abort Mode 1 –When the Abort input is received, the re-
lease time-out continues and stops at 10 seconds. If
the time-out was less than 10 seconds when the Abort
signal is received, time-out is reset to 10 seconds.
When the Abort is released, the time-out resumes. Suc-
cessive aborts are permitted. Mode 1 complies with
Underwriter Laboratories Standard UL 864.
Abort Mode 2 – When Abort is activated, the timer is stopped
and the full delay is loaded into it. The time-out begins
when the Abort switch is released. Successive aborts
are permitted. If mode 2 is selected with zero abort
delay, the abort is disabled. Mode 2 does not comply
with UL864.
IRI Abort Mode – This mode is valid only for cross-zoned
release when both initiating inputs are needed to cause
the agent release activation (if selected for single zone,
the abort will be disabled). This mode is similar to Mode
1 with the exception that the abort will function only if
held after the receipt of the first alarm, but prior to the
receipt of the second alarm. Abort activation at any other
time is ignored. IRI Mode complies with UL 864.
New York City Abort Mode – When the abort is activated,
the timer is stopped and reset to two minutes. The timer
will not start as long as the abort switch is held. The
time-out restarts when the Abort switch is released.
Successive abort switch operations reset the timer back
to the full two minute delay. Selection of this mode has
an overruling effect on any programmed manual or auto
release delays, regardless of whether an abort has ac-
tually occurred. In this mode, the delay from a manual
pull is forced to zero, and the auto-release delay is re-
stricted to a maximum of 30 seconds. NYC Mode does
not comply with UL 864.