“Kid-Man” is legitimate trademark of “Kasko Group” Ltd. All rights reserved. ©2017 “Kasko Group” Ltd.
A.Vivulskio 12D, Vilnius, Lithuania | Tel. +370 5 216 74 25 | www.kid-man.eu | [email protected]
• DO NOT use this product or any available optional equipment without frst completely reading and understanding this
instruction manual. If you are unable to understand the warnings, cautions or instructions, contact a healthcare professional,
dealer or technical personnel before attempting to use this equipment, otherwise injury or damage may occur.
• Keep the packed kit away from heat sources.
• DO NOT allow children to play on or operate the pump.
• Advise with physician or therapist to determinate the correct adjustment and the correct use of the device.
• DO NOT use device in other way then it is intended to be used
• UAB Kasko Group is not responsible for damage occured due to inproper use of device or unauthorized repair.
• Manufacturer has right to change the information in this user manual before prior notice.
1. power switch
2. air pressure knob
3. fuse
4. hanging hook
5. power cord
6. plug
7. air outlet
1. air cells
2. air outlet
3. connecting tube
4. LOT number
5. head flap
6. foot flap
7. micro holes (16 pcs)