V2802A Option M81
Hardware Lock-link Setup for a Three Instrument Stack
6. Lift the rear of the Distribution Unit and place the two remaining struts labeled
L-TOP REAR and R-TOP REAR so that the attached rear spacer remains held in
place by the weight of the Distribution Unit.
a. Attached the struts to the lower PXI Chassis with two M4 10 mm, screws
(0515-0380) using a T20 Torx driver on the left and right sides. It may be
necessary to loosen the M3 screw (0515-0372) using a T10 Torx driver in the
spacer above to align the holes. Leave the screws slightly loose for now.
7. Place the second PXI Chassis on top of the Distribution Unit.
a. Align the holes in the top PXI Chassis with the Strut holes and install two M4
10 mm screws (0515-0380) using a T20 Torx driver on both the left and right
sides. It may be necessary to loosen the M3 screw (0515-0372) in the spacer
above using a T10 torx driver to align the holes. Leave the screws slightly
loose for now.
8. Once all the screws are installed into the two PXI Chassis, tighten to
9 in-lbs. Ensure the M3 screws (0515-0372), used to attach the Spacers to the
Strut, are tighten to 9 in-lb as well.
Figure 6
Attaching the Distribution Unit to the Lower PXI Chassis