Channel: (4)
Specifies the channel number for dialog settings. Each channel is configured
individually. The drop-down list illustrates the channels that currently have
measurements. There must be at least one displayed trace for the test set I/O
Interface to function.
Channel Control
Label: (5)
Specifies the label to be displayed on the analyzer’s screen during the channel
Before Sweep Start
– After Sweep End
Tabs: (6)
Commands (GPIB, I/O’s and Dwell) can be sent Before Sweep Start and After Sweep
End. However, they are configured and enabled separately on the “Interface Control”
dialog box. For example; to send a command before and after a PNA sweep, the
“Enable Interface Control” check box must be selected and commands entered in
both the Before Sweep Start and After Sweep End tabs. The
Before Sweep Start
is sent before the first trace on the channel begins sweeping. The
After Sweep Start
data is sent after the last trace on the channel sweep is completed.
Dwell After
Command: (7)
Specifies a wait time, in milliseconds, after all commands to all interfaces are sent.
Any positive integer is allowed. This is used to allow all external devices to settle
before beginning a measurement. An erratic trace could indicate that more settling
time is necessary.
Handler I/O Control
and Aux I/O Output
Voltage: (8)
Provides I/O interface control through the rear panel of the PNA. Refer to the PNA
Help menu for further information.
Reset All:
Sets all fields on all
channels to their default values.
Save and Recall:
Saves and recalls the contents of the dialog box. If the “Interface Control” dialog box
is populated with settings during an Instrument State Save, the settings are
automatically recalled with the instrument state settings. Interface control uses an
*.xml file type. An example file is stored on the PNA hard drive. You can recall it into
the dialog, or you can open and edit it with a word processor, such as Word Pad.
Applies the settings and closes the dialog box.
Does not apply changes that were made and closes the dialog box.
Provides additional information for using the interface control application.
U3042AE12 User's and Service Guide