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PNA Family Application Options
Noise figure options
Solid black series name indicates the feature is available
on that series, while gray series name with strikethrough
indicates the feature is not available on that series. For
Available on PNA Series
Not available on PNA Series
Noise figure measurements using standard receivers
(Option 028) PNA-X PNA
This option adds firmware for high-accuracy noise figure mea-
surements of amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers using
the analyzer’s standard receivers, and utilizing Keysight’s unique
source-correction technique. Using an Keysight ECal module
configured as an impedance tuner (N4691B/93A/94A-M0F
recommended; must be ordered or supplied separately
), the
effects of imperfect system-source match are removed, greatly
improving the accuracy of the cold-source technique. This ap-
proach surpasses the accuracy provided by the Y-factor method
and other cold-source implementations. A scalar calibration
choice is also available that offers less accuracy but is faster and
does not require the external ECal module used as an impedance
tuner. For calibration, a power meter and separate ECal module
or mechanical calibration kit is required (must be ordered or
supplied separately). An external preamplifier and filter(s) is
required for devices with < 30 dB of excess noise (gain plus noise
figure in dB) up to 20 GHz, < 40 dB up to 50 GHz, or < 45 dB up to
67 GHz. Front panel jumpers provide a convenient spot for adding
a preamplifier and filter for low gain, low noise figure devices. Not
available with N522xA-200 and -400.
Fully-corrected noise figure measurements
(Option 029) PNA-X
This option adds a low-noise receiver and firmware to the
PNA-X1 for high-accuracy noise figure measurements of
amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers, utilizing Keysight’s
unique source-correction technique. Using an Keysight ECal
module configured as an impedance tuner for N5241/42/49A (3.5
mm N4691B-M0F recommended; must be ordered or supplied
), or a built-in tuner for N5244/45/47A, the effects of
imperfect system-source match are removed, greatly improving
the accuracy of the cold-source technique. This approach
surpasses the accuracy provided by the Y-factor method and
other cold-source implementations. A scalar calibration choice
is also available that offers less accuracy but is faster, and for
N5241/42/49A, does not require the external ECal module used
1 For N5247A, the low-noise receiver works up to 50 GHz only
2 Only N4690 Series ECal modules are supported for use as an impedance
as an impedance tuner. For calibration of the noise receiver,
Option 029 requires a power meter or a 346 series noise source
(346C or 346C-K0
recommended). For measurements of mixers
and converters, a power meter is always required. The noise
source and power meters are only used during calibration of the
analyzer, and must be ordered or supplied separately. During the
S-parameter portion of the noise calibration, a separate ECal
module or mechanical calibration kit is required (also must be
ordered or supplied separately). Option 029 also allows noise
figure measurements using the standard receivers for high-gain
(> 60 dB), narrowband devices that might otherwise overload the
low-noise receiver, or for noise figure measurements up to 67 GHz
on the N5247A