Demonstrating program based PXIe VNA
The M973xA PXI VNA is supplied with a comprehensive portfolio of module drivers, documentation, examples, and
software tools to help you quickly develop test systems with your software platform of choice. The module comes with IVI-
COM, IVI-C, LabVIEW and MATLAB software drivers that work in the most popular T&M development environments
including, LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI from National Instruments, MATLAB from The MathWorks, Microsoft C/ C++, C#,
and VB.NET.
IVI Driver Programing Examples
The IVI Driver Programming Examples are simple applications that demonstrate basic use of the driver in a variety of
application development environments and programming languages. All the Example programs do the following:
Create an instance of the driver.
Initialize the driver in simulation mode (no instrument required).
Read several IVI Identity properties.
Check the instrument error queue.
Close the driver.
Examples are coded to initialize the driver in simulation mode and should compile and run as is, without an
Example Visual Studio projects were created with VS2008 and may be converted to newer versions. If you are
using an older version of Visual Studio, you may cut and paste code from the example project source into a
similar project created in your version of Visual Studio.
You may use these examples as a starting point for creating programs for your driver. For additional info on
using IVI drivers in a variety of development environments.
Example programs are copied at “C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\AgNA\Examples\” when you install
Demonstrating Create Measurement VB Example
The mainframe should have the latest version of the software for this demonstration. Refer to
You need visual studio to run and edit the example program. You can use Microsoft Visual Studio Express,
which is freeware development environment developed by Microsoft.