13.11 Actuator pause time
– ctime between starts of the actuator during a slow
opening or closing the valve.
13.12 The transit time of the actuator
– the time required to complete the actuator
to go from open to close or vice versa.
14.x The heating curve
14.1 Outside temperature sensor
if the system is equipped with an external
temperature sensor, this parameter allows you to specify whether the sensor is
installed. In the absence of this parameter the sensor has to be turned off
14.2 Point 0 heating curve
– temperature resulting from the heating curve at an
external temperature of 0°C. This affects the slope of the curve.
14.3 Moving the curve
– value added to the resulting temperature curve.
outside the heating curve value is the sum of the parameter 14.2 i 14.3.
the value of the heating curve = 20+ parameter 14.3.