EN – Instructions for use
Permitted use
Operational safety is only guaranteed if the fit
ting is used correctly.
The fitting is used in dual-pipe heating systems
to combine radiators and surface heating for
controlling room temperature and limiting
the return temperature of the surface heating
from interior spaces. For use on radiators with
supply and return connection, with pipe spac-
ing of 50 mm.
Any other use is not deemed correct and is
therefore not permitted. Correct use also in-
cludes proper compliance with the instructions
for use and installation instructions.
Safety instructions
Danger of burns!
During operation, the fitting can assume the
temperature of the medium.
Use suitable safety gloves.
Risk of injury!
Threads, drill holes and corners can have
sharp edges.
Take extreme care when working with
The tightness and function of the fitting and
its connecting parts must be checked regularly
as part of the system maintenance schedule.
Good accessibility to the fitting is recommend
Dismantling the radiator
Before dismantling the radiator, shut off the
fitting as described below:
Close the thermostatic valve
Remove the safety cap from the radiator
shut-off (Fig. 1)
Close the valve plug using a SW 6 hexagon
wrench by turning it to the right.
Risk of injury!
The thermostat or protective cap must not
be used to shut off the thermostatic valve
against ambient pressure (e.g. when the ra-
diator is dismantled).
Metal sealing plugs must be fitted to the
connecting points for the radiator for this.
The shut-off of the fitting described above
does not shut off the surface heating circuit.
Installation and repairs
Only have installation and repair work car-
ried out by a specialist tradesman in order
to avoid invalidating any warranty claims.
Take old radiators and their accessories for
recycling or dispose of them appropriately.
Comply with local regulations.
EN - Installation instructions
The fitting must be installed only by a specialist
Safety instructions
Read these instructions for use and installa-
tion instructions thoroughly before installa-
tion / commissioning.
After installation, leave the instructions
with the end customer.
Risk of death!
Check the location of supply lines (power,
gas, water).
Do not damage any lines.
Conditions of use
Comply with the operating conditions for
hot water heating systems as defined in DIN
18380 “VOB German Construction Contract
Ensure the water quality complies with VDI
2035 “Prevention of damage in water heat-
ing installations”.
Structure and function
The fitting is a combination of a pre-settable
thermostatic valve, shut-off screw device and
return temperature limiter (RTL) for use in du-
al-pipe heating systems.
The thermostatic valve with fitted thermo
stat regulates the room temperature in coop-
eration with a radiator. The surface heating is
temperature-controlled independently of the
thermostatic valve by limiting the return tem-
perature via the integrated return tempera-
ture limiter.
Labels (Fig. 1)
Direction of flow
Heating circuit supply
Heating circuit return
Surface temperature control supply
Surface temperature control return
Technical data
Operating temperature: max. 70 °C
Max. operating pressure: 10 bar
Note the operating pressures of the other
system components.
Medium: Water and suitable water-glycol
mixtures as per VDI 2035. Not suitable for
steam, oil-containing and aggressive media.
RTL target value range: 10 °C to 40 ℃
Recommended control technology differen-
tial pressure range: 30 mbar to 200 mbar.
Risk of death!
Take suitable measures (e.g. safety valve)
to ensure that the operating parameters
are maintained.
Notes on installation
Before the fitting is inserted in the pipe, it
must be thoroughly flushed first.
Ensure that the medium always flows
through the fitting in the direction of the
arrow (Fig. 2).
Füllen und Entlüften der Anlage
Vor der Inbetriebnahme muss die Anlage
aufgefüllt und entlüftet werden. Dazu ist zu-
nächst die Voreinstellung des Thermostatven-
tils auf die größte Position zu drehen (Vorein-
stellung 8).
Eine Dichtheitsprüfung ist durchzuführen. Da-
bei sind die zulässigen Betriebsdrücke zu be-
Wichtige Hinweise zum Aufheizen
Nach dem normgerechten Aufbringen des Heiz-
estriches muss das Aufheizen entsprechend
EN 1264-4 erfolgen.
Aufheizbeginn frühestens:
21 Tage nach Verlegen eines Zement-
7 Tage nach Verlegen eines Anhydrit-
Langsam aufheizen! 3 Tage mit ca. 25 °C Vor-
lauftemperatur, danach 4 Tage mit ca. 55 °C
Die Vorlauftemperatur ist nur über die Kessel-
steuerung zu regeln. Weitere Hinweise der Est-
richhersteller beachten.
Voreinstellung Thermostatventil
Das Thermostatventil auf die berechnete Vor-
einstellung mit Gabelschlüssel SW13 einstellen.
Sollwerteinstellung RTL
Den Rücklauftemperaturbegrenzer (RTL) auf
den festgelegten Sollwert einstellen.
Ventil geschlossen
ca. 10 °C
ca. 20 °C
ca. 30 °C
ca. 40 °C
An den Hersteller wenden.
Verpackung dem Recycling oder der ord-
nungsgemäßen Entsorgung zuführen. Die
örtlichen Vorschriften beachten.