Preparation section
Operating Precautions
Caution on built-in hard disk drive (HDD)
The player incorporates a HDD. The HDD is sensitive to environmental changes including impacts, vibrations and
temperature changes. To prevent the data recorded in it from being damaged, observe the following cautions when
using the player. If any caution is disregarded, troubles including a failure, malfunction or loss of data may result.
Do not leave the player in a place where the temperature may rise, for example under direct sunlight, in a closed
automobile under the sun or near a heater.
Do not leave the player in a place where the temperature may drop extremely.
Do not subject the player to a sudden change in temperature.
Do not use the player when it is thundering.
Do not leave the player in the proximity of a source of magnetism including a magnet or loudspeaker.
Do not leave the player in a place subject to strong vibrations.
Do not place or drop an object on the player.
Do not place the player in a place subject to water drops or under high humidity. If the player is moistened, it may
become unusable or malfunctioning.
Do not place a container of liquid near the player. If the player is moistened, it may become unusable or malfunctioning.
Do not shake, hit, swing or drop the player whether it is being used or not.
Do not push or twist the player with a strong force.
Do not switch off the player or unplug the USB cable during the write or read operation in/from the built-in HDD.
Note that KENWOOD will not assume any liabilities for damages related to the data stored in the built-in HDD.
Note on built-in hard disk (HDD)
Do not attempt to format the built-in HDD. Otherwise, the firmware (the software used for operation of the player)
will be lost and the player becomes unusable.
If you formatted the HDD by mistake, restore the firmware as described in the section mentioned below.
Water leak identification sticker
To facilitate troubleshooting during servicing, the Player has a water leak identification sticker attached inside it. This
sticker shows if it has ever been moistened at a glance.