KEMPER MiniFil Operating manual -
- 58 -
Technical modifications and errors expected.
filter and to protect it from flying sparks It is recommended that the pre-separator is
checked and if necessary emptied e.g. on a daily or weekly basis.
Severe damage to health of respiratory organs and the respiratory
tract - wear respiratory protection e.g.
KEMPER autoflow XP or a respiratory protection filter mask
of class FFP2 as per EN 149.
Skin contact with welding fumes etc. may lead to skin irritations if
the person is sensitive - wear protective clothing.
Open the upper clamps (picture 1 item 7) and remove the cover from the
device (picture 1, item 1) anchored to the floor.
After this, open the two bottom clamp fasteners and remove the separate
housing (Fig 1, Pos. 2). When doing so, ensure that as a little dust as possible
is whirled up, and that the main filter remains on the filter unit.
Now empty the pre-separator properly following the official regulations. Please
request the relevant waste codes from the local waste disposal service.
Carry out the first two work steps in reverse order.
As the dust accumulation in the filter increases, its resistance to through-flow
increases and the device suction decreases. As soon as it falls below a minimum
value, the signal horn sounds and the green operating lamp goes out. It is now
necessary to replace the filters in the main and suspended matter filters.