KEMPER MiniFil Operating manual -
- 47 -
Technical modifications and errors expected.
3.2 Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Use of the MiniFil in industrial areas where EX-protection requirements need to be met
is not permitted. Furthermore, the operation is prohibited for:
Procedures not listed in the intended use
and during which the aspirated air:
from grinding processes which, due to their size and quantity, might lead to
damage to the extraction tube or even a fire in the filter media;
with liquids and resultant contamination of the air flow
is offset with aerosol and oily vapours
is mixed with flammable, combustible dusts and/or substances which may form
explosive mixtures or atmospheres;
is mixed with other aggressive or abrasive dust which could damage the MiniFil
and the filter elements employed;
is mixed with organic, toxic substances or a proportion of substances which are
released when cutting the material.
- Waste materials
such as separated particles may contain harmful substances.
They may not be disposed of in household waste - environmentally friendly
disposal is necessary;
- Filter elements –
Filters made by other manufacturers, which are not approved
as spare parts by Kemper GmbH may not be used due to the unknown effects of
the filter results;
- Locations
in the outdoor area in which the filter device is exposed to weather
conditions- the filter device may only be placed in closed buildings;
Lifting equipment
for example, forklifts, manual lifting equipment, which are not
suitable for the transportation of the filter unit, when making a selection observe
max. load.
If the MiniFil is used as intended, no reasonably foreseeable misuse which could lead
to dangerous situations involving personal injury should be possible.