Field Wiring FACP Serial Data Connections
The Keltron SDACT provides a DB-9 connector for the supplementary RS232 serial data monitoring port.
1 - No connection
2 - TD (transmit data) From SDACT
3 – RD (receive data) To SDACT
4 – No connection
5 – SG (signal ground)
6 – DSR from SDACT (always asserted) (+10V through a 3.3K current limiting resistor)
7 – RTS or CTS (set by J1 and J2)
8 – CTS or RTS (set by J1 and J2)
9 – No connection
The FACP serial data connections provide supplementary alarm information only.
Use of the hardwired alarm zone inputs is required as the primary means of alarm signaling for UL
Listed installations monitoring FACP’S for Remote Station, Central Station, and Proprietary
service. To indicate the supplementary and/or redundant nature of the serial data information at the
receiving station, all serial port events are transmitted as ‘old’ events or SIA ‘O’ blocks.