Quick Results Guide
Source ranging
There are three options to control source ranging for a sweep; fixed, best fixed, and auto
range. With the fixed option selected, the SourceMeter stays on the source range that is selected
at the start of the sweep.
With best fixed selected, the largest source value in the sweep determines the range. For
example, if sweeping from 1V to 15V, the best fixed option will select the 20V range.
With the auto range option selected, the SourceMeter will select the most sensitive range for
each source value. For example if sweeping from 1V to 15V in 1V steps, the SourceMeter will
source 1V and 2V on the 2V range, and source the remaining source values on the 20V range.
Use the following menu sequence to select the source ranging option:
Press CONFIG > press SWEEP > select SOURCE RANGING > select BEST FIXED,
Source delay
Source delay allows the source to settle before a measurement is performed. As shown in
Figures 6, 7, and 8, the delay occurs on each step (level) of the sweep. The delay can be set
automatically by the SourceMeter (auto delay) or it can be set manually.
With auto delay selected, the delay setting will be1ms, 2ms or 3ms depending on which
current range and source function is being used (see Section 3, Source delay in the 2400 Series
SourceMeter User’s Manual). Manually, the source delay can be set from 0000.0000 to
9999.9980 sec.
Use the following menu sequence to set source delay:
Press CONFIG > press SOURCE V (or I) > select DELAY or AUTO DELAY
If DELAY is selected, you will be prompted to enter the delay value (in seconds). If AUTO
DELAY is selected, you will be prompted to DISABLE or ENABLE auto delay.
Performing sweeps
Performing a linear staircase sweep
Perform the following steps to run a linear staircase sweep:
Configure the source and measure functions. The source level you set becomes the bias
level for the sweep. Typically, 0V or 0A is used as the bias level.
Configure the linear staircase sweep, including start, stop, and step values, as previ-
ously explained.
Set the source delay as required.
Turn the output on. The SourceMeter will output the bias level.
Run the sweep by pressing the SWEEP key. When finished, turn the output off.
The readings will be stored in the buffer if a finite count sweep was run.