Inventorying Required Installation Resources
This section describes the following procedures, which appear in the
order they are to be performed:
Inventorying installation resources for the board
Installing the software used to operate your DAS-TC/B board
Configuring the installation in software
Unpacking and inspecting the board, setting the base address of the
board, and then installing the board in your computer
Checking the installation
If you encounter any problems with the board after installation, refer to
Section 7 for troubleshooting information.
Install the DriverLINX software before installing the DAS-TC/B
board. Otherwise, the device drivers will be more difficult to install.
Inventorying Required Installation Resources
Before installing DriverLINX and the board, do the following:
1. Inventory your DAS-TC/B board’s configuration settings.
2. Determine the resources your DAS-TC/B board requires.
3. Inventory your computer’s resources already allocated to other
installed devices.