REV 1.1.1 (Last Modified May 25, 2023)
25 | 29
R E V 1 . 1 . 1
How do I reset my ESC ID?
Currently the ESC ID can be reset to 0x01 with CAN Message 9 or through the KDE Device Manager by pressing
the DEFAULT SETTINGS button or by updating firmware (factory reset).
What does the Extended Frame ID represent?
The first byte represents the priority of the CAN message. The second byte represents the source ID. The third
byte represents the destination ID. The last byte represents the object address (function call).
What does the data field in a CAN message represent?
The data field represents additional information passed with the CAN message. This additional information
can be sent from the master to an ESC and from an ESC to the master.
What is the CAN bus master?
The CAN bus master is the device that controls all of your ESCs. This is typically a flight controller but can also
be a CAN Bus analyzer or sniffer.
What is the MCU ID?
The microcontroller unit the UVC series ESCs use is a STM32 CPU. Each MCU has a unique identifier referred to
as the MCU ID.
How do I test that all CAN bus connections are wired properly?
To detect all ECSs on network, send a CAN message to frame id: 00 00 01 08. All ESCs will respond with their
MCU ID regardless of their ESC ID.
Do I need a terminating resistor on the last node?
Yes, a 120-ohm terminating resistor is required on the last node on all CAN bus setups.
What is the difference between the node ID, node address, and ESC ID?
These all mean the same thing; they represent the unique identifier of a node on the CAN bus network.
CAN bus messages are not working?
Please verify your ESCs are connected to power and are wired correctly.
Is there a time limit on the ESC enumeration message?
The maximum enumeration time limit is 131 seconds.
Why is the limit 131 seconds?
The ESC enumerates its value every two milliseconds. This value is stored in a 16 bit value. (2ms * 2^16 = 131