Keep tools and other metal objects away from both ends of the battery. If contacted, short
shock may occur and cause injury.
Health care personnel shall receive professional training and guidance in the safety
Before using, you shall first familiarize yourself with the power wheelchair.
You shall practice operating the power wheelchair with the aid of the health care personnel until you are
confident enough to independently, skillfully and safely perform the operations, such as moving forward,
turning, crossing obstacles, braking, etc.
Do not perform unfamiliar operations if you cannot confirm the safety.
You shall check the operating site in advance, identify the safety in the area and make preparation
protective measures against the risk.
Based on the specific needs of the users, you need to help them to develop a safest plan combining with the
advice of the doctors, nurses and physiotherapists.
When pushing the power wheelchair, you have to switch on the manual mode knob. In this case,
on the controller will completely not work. (refer to the instructions on Manual Mode Knob
3. Following issues shall be focused on when pushing the power wheelchair:
You shall help users to keep their body in the correct posture in accordance with the dynamics
of the human body, in order not to hurt users’ back. You can slightly bend your knees
straighten your back vertical when lifting up users or inclined power wheelchair.
Before operating, you shall tell users what you intend to do, your reasons for doing
you want them to do, which will help users to make preparations against the accidental injuries.
Be aware of the upstairs, downstairs and the turning corners, where you may fall or turn over.
You shall remind users to closely lean against the backrest, when you preparing to tilt the
wheelchair backwards.
You shall slowly move the power wheelchair down the steps, in case of making users injured as
well as damaging the wheelchair itself. And be aware of keeping the road smooth
Control Panel
battery. If contacted, short-circuit or electric
receive professional training and guidance in the safety usage of the power
elchair with the aid of the health care personnel until you are
confident enough to independently, skillfully and safely perform the operations, such as moving forward,
You shall check the operating site in advance, identify the safety in the area and make preparations for taking
need to help them to develop a safest plan combining with the
. In this case, the brakes
Manual Mode Knob)
You shall help users to keep their body in the correct posture in accordance with the dynamics
hurt users’ back. You can slightly bend your knees and
Before operating, you shall tell users what you intend to do, your reasons for doing so and what
s against the accidental injuries.
where you may fall or turn over.
You shall remind users to closely lean against the backrest, when you preparing to tilt the
case of making users injured as
damaging the wheelchair itself. And be aware of keeping the road smooth
Please be aware that the control panel of the power wheelchair shall be
securely mounted (Fig. A1), in case of colliding or falling down.
Check and adjust the control panel every six months.
If any buttons on the control panel fail or are not responding
the supplier for repairment or replacement
Static Position
When the wheelchair is inactive even for a moment
be off, which can:
Prevent the control panel from being activated by accidental touch
which may cause the wheelchair to move unintentionally
Prevent the wheelchair from electromagnetic interference sources which may activate the
operation system.
Do not allow anyone but you to touch the control panel
Using Environment
This power wheelchair shall not be used or stored in environments of rain, snow, icy or slippery surfaces
Malfunction may occur if the device is in contact with
wheelchair is not fully waterproof, and a humid environment may result in rusting or corrosion inside the
To prevent malfunction, please adhere to the guidelines as follows
★ ●
Do not operate or store the wheelchair in an environment which has direct water contact
Do not use the wheelchair while showering, swimming, etc.
Do not use the wheelchair around any water
Replace the control panel if it is damaged.
Ensure that all electrical connections are safe and non
● You must not flush the wheelchair with water.
the battery and allow it to dry naturally. Put the battery back after the
When operating on wet or frictionless ground surfaces, please carefully move at a slow speed
You must ensure that the operation can be done safely.
When any of the motor wheel losses traction, the
Do not drive into slopes or ramps covered with snow, ice, water, oil, etc.
Please ensure the power is off when finish using
Please be aware that the control panel of the power wheelchair shall be
securely mounted (Fig. A1), in case of colliding or falling down.
x months.
If any buttons on the control panel fail or are not responding, please contact
chair is inactive even for a moment, the power must
Prevent the control panel from being activated by accidental touch
chair to move unintentionally
chair from electromagnetic interference sources which may activate the wheelchair’s
nyone but you to touch the control panel to prevent the unexpected movement of the wheelchair.
This power wheelchair shall not be used or stored in environments of rain, snow, icy or slippery surfaces
Malfunction may occur if the device is in contact with water or high humidity environments. The power
a humid environment may result in rusting or corrosion inside the
adhere to the guidelines as follows:
chair in an environment which has direct water contact (e.g. heavy rain).
chair while showering, swimming, etc.
any water sources (e.g. river, lake, sea, etc.).
that all electrical connections are safe and non-loose.
chair with water. If your wheelchair has been wet, please immediately pull out
the battery and allow it to dry naturally. Put the battery back after the wheelchair is completely dried
When operating on wet or frictionless ground surfaces, please carefully move at a slow speed
done safely.
losses traction, the wheelchair must be stopped immediately to avoid losing control.
Do not drive into slopes or ramps covered with snow, ice, water, oil, etc.
using, make the batteries full-charged and keep the wheelchair clean and dry.