Copyright © 2011 by Kaufman & Robinson, Inc., 1330 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Tel: 970-495-0187, Fax: 970-484-9350, Internet: www.ionsources.com
MODEL DC3005, MODEL 30010, MODEL 15012
SOURce:VOLTage or SOUR:VOLT Input the operating voltage. The de-
sired operating voltage in volts follow either the long or short form of the
command. A space can be inserted after the command, or the space can
be omitted. The level of voltage must be within the range for the power
supply. Up to three decimal places may be used to input the voltage, but
these decimal places do not have to be speci
ed. The decimal point is
also not required if there are no signi
cant decimal places. The discharge
supply requires that both the SOURce:CURRent and SOURce:VOLTage
be non zero to enable the power supply. A current or voltage command of
zero will put the discharge power supply into standby.
All the commands and queries must be followed by a carriage return.
NOTE: If either VX command is zero the unit will go to standby.
3.2.4 Operational sequence
Using a terminal program con
gured for the communications settings previ-
ously mentioned, input the following commands in the de
ned sequence.
User Inputs are shown with quotations to designate the exact command the
user must input, the quotation marks should not be input into the terminal
• During power up of the Discharge Power Supply set the output to zero
current output for safety. Input “VA0” then press the enter key.
• Determine the Discharge output current required. Using the following
formula, determine the decimal value required for input into the terminal
program corresponding to the required Discharge current :
Input value = required discharge current = (0 to maximum amps) x
Example: A value of 5 amps of discharge current is desired. Using the
above formula, 5 X 4095/10 = 2047 for model DC30010.
• Determine the Discharge output Voltage required. Using the following
formula, determine the decimal value required for input into the terminal
program corresponding to the required Discharge voltage :
Input value = required discharge voltage = (0 to maximum volts) x
Example: A value of 200 volts of discharge voltage is desired. . Using