5.3. Boiler operation in automatic mode:
Properly connected boiler can work fully automatically depending
on the needed heating level. The burning process is controlled
depending on photodetector data as well as other data from
temperature sensors. The burning process and boiler temperature
can also be adjusted through the controller depending on predefined
parameters. There is capability to manage the burning process
depending on the time of day, hot water requirements, winter/
summer time, etc. It is possible to control and manage the boiler
through the internet.
In order to put the boiler in automatic operation mode, the operator
needs to lock in the following parameter
Menu -> Boiler settings ->
Operation mode: „PELLETS“
If the boiler is mainly used to burn pellets it is recommended to take
the cast iron grates out of the boiler. More information about the
controller is provided in controller user manual.
5.4. Boiler operation in manual mode (non-pellet):
Non-pellet fuel can also be burned using this boiler. The controller
still controls the operation of the central heating system, however
burning non-pellet fuel is done manually. In order to burn non-pellet
fuel the operator needs to lock in the following parameter:
-> Boiler settings -> Operation mode: „GRATES“
. This way the
controller will supply air to the boiler.
When the boiler is operating in manual mode in the case
of low heating demand (spring/autumn) or too high chimney
draft, due to natural airflow it is possible that the burning
process go out of control and the boiler overheats. Check
chapter 3.2.