Turn the assembly upright again. At this time, if the
cord contains a metal strain relief, you can use the
chain connector and attach it in one of the opening at
the rope placement. The chain connector will easily
fit if installed from the bottom or top side of the
opening. It will not fit if installed from side of open-
ing. Use the Nylon Cable Tie (Part I) included to se-
cure the power cord to a molded hole in the float to
prevent cord damage if there is no strain relief on the
cord. If a Strain Relief
is present on the cord,
you may disregard the
Nylon Tie. On cords
with a Quick Discon-
nect, the disconnect
should be tightened
properly to avoid leak-
ing. If installing a new
Quick Disconnect, refer
to Quick Disconnect In-
structions on pages 4-5.
Lights can also be in-
stalled at this time. Re-
fer to Light Kit Instruc-
tions. If ready to install
in the pond, go to Instal-
lation instructions on page 17.
Pictures corre-
spond with Step
Five from previ-
ous page