BaKiNG aNd OTHer USeS:
The unique shallow bottom pan design of the BR-2 makes it much easier
and convenient to use as an everyday baking oven compared to traditional
roasters and ovens due to the ease of putting foods in and taking them
out. There is no deep well that can make access to food difficult. Karrsen’s
exclusive “Captive Heat Technology” roasts and bakes faster and uses much
less energy than traditional roasters and built-in ovens. Baking with the BR-2
is quite simply, a lot of fun.
Using a variety of baking pans and forms like the ones shown below and
standard in almost every household, the foods that you can make with the
BR-2 are limited only by your imagination.
To use the BR-2 as a baking oven, all you need to do is use the included
cooking rack in the higher position. Preheat the oven for just 5-8 minutes.
Then remove the lid using the provided cooling racks and put the cooking
rack in the middle of the bottom pan. Put the baking pan or form with the
food on top of the cooking rack, replace the domed lid, set your temperature
and set a timer to ensure proper cooking. In just a few short minutes, you will
have hot fresh baked goodness and aromas filling up your kitchen.
important Note regarding Faster Cooking Times: Due to the faster
cooking time of the BR-2, please make sure you adjust your recipe
accordingly to reduce the cooking time and avoid burning. Because your
items are baked more quickly, they come out more moist and less dry
than using traditional baking methods.