8072.03 Karella Dartautomat CB-50
G22 = Game 22 = STEEPLECHASE
The goal of this game is to be the first to complete the “race” by finishing your “track” first. The track starts at Seg
ment 20 and proceeds clockwise around the board to Segment 5, ending with a bullseye. Sounds easy? Well,
there’s one catch: you must hit the inner single segment of each number to progress along the track. That’s the
area between the bullseye and the triple ring. Just like in a real obstacle race, you’ll need to overcome obstacles
(hurdles) along the way. These four hurdles are found in the following segments:
1. Hurdle Triple 13
2. Hurdle Triple 17
3. Hurdle Triple 8
4. Hurdle Triple 5
The first player to complete the course and hit the bullseye wins the race.
G23 = Game 23 = ELIMINATION (3 variants)
In this game, the opponents must be “eliminated.” The rules are very simple: each player must achieve a higher
score with their 3 throws than the player before them. Each player starts with 3 “lives.” If a player scores lower
than the player before them, they lose a “life.” The winner is the last player remaining with “lives.” To change the
number of “lives” to 4 or 5, please press the SELECT button.
G24 = Game 24 = HORSESHOES
In this game for 2 players, only the 20 segments and the 3 segments, representing the two horseshoes, are
used. Player 1 aims for the 20 segments, and Player 2 aims for the 3 segments. Points are counted per round.
The player who reaches 15 points first is the winner. The point scoring in HORSESHOES is as follows:
Triple segment: 3 points
Double segment: 2 points
Single segment: 1 point
Only the player with the most points gets them credited. For example, if Player 1 scores a total of 3 points in the
round, and Player 2 scores only 1 point, only Player 1 gets 3 points credited for that round. The player who first
reaches 15 points wins the game. Difficulty Levels: To make the game more challenging, you can increase the
number of points required to win to 15-25 points. To do this, press the SELECT button before starting the game.
G25 = Game 25 = BATTLEGROUND (4 variants)
In this game for 2 players, the dartboard is divided into a “battlefield” with two halves. The player who first hits
all the segments on the opponent’s side wins the game. The segments can be hit in any order. Player 1 is the
“upper army” and throws the darts at the lower segments (6, 10, 15, 2, 17, 3, 19, 7, 16, 8). Player 2 is the “lower
army” and aims for the upper segments (11, 14, 9, 12, 5, 20, 1, 18, 4, 13). If a player hits a segment on their own
side, they lose that segment.