Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange Server
If you connect to the internet using a proxy server, you will have to con-
figure your connection settings to receive updates.
In order to ensure full functionality of the mail server protection, it is necessary to
configure settings used to notify the administrator and other users about the
detection of infected and suspicious objects and about virus outbreaks threats.
The application settings are configured from the administrator's workstation – a
computer on which the Management Console is installed. This operation can be
performed irrespective of whether the Microsoft Exchange server application is
running on the server.
4.6. Mail server protection without
additional configuration
Anti-virus protection of the Exchange server starts operating immediately after
the Security Server component is installed. The default operation mode of the
application is as follows:
The Anti-Virus will scan objects for the presence of currently known mali-
cious software (with the standard anti-virus protection level applied)
Anti-virus protection will be provided for all public folders, all storage areas
created at the Exchange server and all users registered with the particular
mail server.
All new e-mail messages arriving to the Exchange server and having the
following parameters will be scanned for viruses:
the body of the message and attached objects of any format will
be scanned, except archives and containers with the level of
nesting above 32;
the maximum time for scanning 1 object is 180 seconds;
when an infected object is detected, the application saves a
copy of this object (attachment or the body of the message) in
the backup storage, then attempts to disinfect the object and, if
disinfection is impossible, the application deletes the object and
replaces it with a text file containing a notification in the
following format:
Malicious object %VIRUS_NAME% has been
detected. File (%OBJECT_NAME%) was deleted by
Kaspersky Anti-Virus.