Take your time cutting out and applying decals.
It is time well spent.
Landing Gear
Now it is time to install the landing gear to the
fuselage in order to prevent dings in the covering
as the work progresses and to assist in later tasks.
Locate the gear including hardware. The gear is
mounted to the fuselage using 4 X 22 mm bolts
and split washers. The wheel pants are mounted
using 2.8 X 13 mm bolts and split washers.
We used 3 ½ inch wheels. The maximum size
that can be used without alteration would be 3 ¾
We suggest that you grind a small groove near
the end of the axle so that the tightened wheel
collar will not come off.
The belly pan show in the picture above will be
installed once you are satisfied that all
construction is complete and to your satisfaction.
I left my pan off till after the first round of
flights just to be sure.
Stabilizer and Fin
Remove the elevators and hinges from the
Assemble and center the stabilizer. With a felt tip
marker, trace the outline of the fuselage on the
top of the stabilizer. Repeat this procedure for
the rudder/tail-post.
Using a sharp razor knife, carefully slice through
the covering on the top of the stabilizer about
inch inside the lines. Try not to slice into the
wood, as this would weaken the structure. Peel
away the covering.