FK Range - Coffee dispensers
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Lighting setting
This function enables brightness adjustment of the Front panel illumination.
Display shows:-
Set LED level
buttons to adjust the brightness of the front panel lights
X = numbers 0 to 255, setting 255 =lamps off and 0 = lamps full on
Coffee sensor ‘Detect’ setting
This function sets the ‘Trip point’ (XXX) at which the Coffee detect system (Sold
out system) decides when the dispenser has no more coffee concentrate left.
Display shows:-
Coffee detect
TP = the trip point (set during calibration, see below).
CS = the current coffee sensor reading
Coffee sensor calibration
This function is used to calibrate the coffee sold out sensors
Display shows:-
Cal coffee sense
Prime 1 enters
Calibrating the sold out sensors:
Press the Prime 1 button, the display will show:
Clean tube?
Up ^ when ready
If the machine has been used before place a cup of hot water in the cooler unit
and insert the suction tube. Place a cup under the outlet nozzle to catch any
liquid that may fall. Using the Prime 1 button pump the hot water through the tube
to clean it.
Make sure the coffee system is empty and clean.
Place a can of concentrate in the cooler unit and insert the suction tube or
connect a BIB.
Press the Up arrow
The pump will start to run and the calibration function will start.
The display will show: