KNX Gateway for IR
Chapter 1
KNX Gateway for IR is mainly used to store the IR code learned by the IR learner. Then sending the
control telegrams to make KNX Gateway for IR send IR code via KNX device, to perform actions by
controlling IR remote control devices such as fan, Air-condition,TV, DVD and etc.
KNX Gateway for IR includes KNX Gateway for IR,Flush mounted,2-Fold (BTIRF-02/00.2) and KNX
Gateway for IR,Ceiling (BTIRC-01/00.2). Each product has 2 IR emission channels which can be set as
universal IR control or Air-condition control, up to store 300 different IR codes. In addition, KNX
Gateway for IR,Flush mounted also has 1 fold current detection function, which can confirm the on or
off status of controlled device via current status, and avoid false triggers if On and Off are controlled by
the same IR code. KNX Gateway for IR,Ceiling supports for a 360° all-round emitted.
Meanwhile, we provide configuration software tool (KNX Gateway for IR configuration
or DCA for
KNX Gateway for IR, is used for auxiliary IR code to learn, test, configure, and download the IR code to
the device. KNX bus can control IR device after ETS configuration.
KNX Gateway for IR
is PC software running independently in the computer, and
is an APP plug-in of
ETS. The detailed operation please refer to the tool user manual.
In addition, auxiliary tool-- IR Learner(BTIL-01/00.2) is connected with PC by USB, is used for
learning the button function codes of IR remote control devices, such as Fan, Air -condition, TV and etc.,
and saved them in configuration tool. The IR learner can learn more than 95% IR remote control devices
in the market. The learning process is realized via operating configuration software tools, and at the
same time the IR detector of remote controller should get as close as possible to the IR learner’s, to
avoid learn failure. The IR learner has both IR receiving and sending function, test and verify whether the
learned function code is correct.
This manual provides specific technical information about KNX gateway for IR for users, as well as
assembly and programming details, and explains how to use the device by the application examples.