3.4.5 Acquisition with Re-Triggering
A digitizer acquires a trace of N samples/channel for a single acquisition. Re-Trigger mode can also
be set to automatically acquire R traces, containing N*R samples/channel of data, without additional
software intervention.
The Re-Trigger setting can be used for Post-Trigger and Delayed- Trigger modes, with different
limitations on the spacing between trigger events in each mode. Trigger events arriving too close to
the previous instance will be ignored by the digitizer.
In Post-Trigger mode, the minimum spacing between trigger events is N+8
In Delayed-Trigger mode, the minimum spacing between trigger events is (N+D)+8, where D
is the number of the delayed setting
Figure 3-9: Re-Trigger Mode Acquisition
3�4�6 Data Average Mode (Post-Trigger and Delayed- Trigger only)
In normal post-trigger mode acquisition, N samples/channel data are generated for a single trigger
event. In Re-trigger mode (See “Acquisition with Re-Triggering” on page 17.), a total of N * R sam-
ples/channel data is generated for R trigger events, that is, R traces (A trace contains N samples/
channel). In Data Average Mode, only N samples/channel data are generated for R trigger events.
The single trace data (N samples/channel) is the average of the R traces sample by sample.
The output data format is 16-bit or 32-bit signed integer, software selectable. When higher
measurement accuracy is desired, data average mode with 32 bit data output can improve the
resolution. According to oversampling practice, the retrigger times R required to get n bits of
additional resolution is R = 4^n. Please note that in order for data average mode to work properly,
components of signal of interest, such as period and magnitude, should be consistent during