Tw = 20 ns minimum
Figure 3-23: SSI_TRIG2 Input Timing Requirement
As an output, the SSI_START_OP signal reflects the operation start signal in a pre-trigger
or middle-trigger acquisition sequence. Please refer to Figure 3-12 - Figure 3-14 for the
relationship between the operation start signal and the acquisition sequence.
As an input, the PCI/PXI-69816/26/46 accepts the SSI_START_OP signal to be the operation
start signal in a pre-trigger or middle trigger acquisition sequence. The signal is configured
in the rising edge-detection mode. Figure 3-24 show the SSI_START_OP signal input and
output timing requirements.
For enabling output operations, you can use the function SSI_Source Conn() to output the
SSI_TRIG2 and SSI_START_OP signals.
For the input operations, you can select TRSRC_SSI_2 to set SSI_TRIG2 and SSI_START_OP as
the source of the trigger event and operation start signal.
Two = 2 TIMEBASE Clocks
Twi = 20 ns minimum
Figure 3-24: SSI_START_OP Output and Input Timing Characteristics