(7) Cover kit
(14) Battery holder
3 Function
Intended use
Radio sensor for transmission of switching, dimming, blind movement and scene
Operation with radio actuators from the eNet system
Product characteristics
Display of the actuator status for status poll by a green status LED per channel
Display of the transmission status by a red transmission LED
Switch-on brightness of dimmer actuators can be saved.
Battery-powered device
Signalling of transmission errors can be switched off
Can be set with eNet server:
Master dimming function
Scene All On
Operation locks
If settings are changed with the eNet server, operation and signalling could vary from what
is described here.
The parameter list is in the Internet in the documentation for this device.
Supplementary function with eNet server
Update of the device software
4 Operation
When operating with the eNet Server, operation and signalling could vary from what is
described here.
Function of LED in operation
As soon as a button is pressed or released, the transmission LED (9) signals radio
LED lights up for 2 seconds
Then, the status LED (8) signals the actuator status/group status
LED lights up for 3 seconds:
At least one actuator is switched on, or one Venetian blind is not in the top end position
LED remains off:
All the actuators are switched off or the blinds are all in the upper end position
If there is no status message from an actuator, the transmission LED (9) signals a
transmission error. The transmission LED flashes quickly for 5 seconds.
eNet radio transmitter module