You can also assign a new IP or control the device via RS232 commands (see
page 13 and 14 for the list of commands), this will require a special cable
(detailed drawing on page 13).
The only field that is variable for RS232 communication is the Baud rate which
is set at a default of 19200bps. RS232 communication uses COM1. Your com-
puter will need to be set to the same values as follows; Baud rate=19200, Par-
ity=None, Data Bits=8, Stop Bits=1.
Once you have configured the PC’s COM1 port to match the above values you
can then use a Terminal program to access and issue the RS232 commands.
There are several free terminal programs available such as Microsoft Hyper-
terminal. Or you can download one direct from the iP1520 product page on the
Juice Goose website at
Also on this page is the Power Cycle control feature. The Power Cycle feature
is useful for rebooting routers should a connectivity issue arise. Simply plug the
router into POD1. Should a router lock up occur the units will be rebooted via
the power cycling of POD1 when your chosen domain cannot be PINGed by the
iP1520. This feature ships disabled and can be enabled using the checkbox.
Page 9