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Universal Single- and Double-channels Transmitters to DIN Rail with HART Communication
4.3 Description of setting and configuration
using a configurator HARTWinCom
The communicator HARTWinCom consists of a programme
HARTWinConf, modem HARTMod (MH-02) and connecting
cables. Before use it is necessary to connect the modem
PC using the connecting cable, install and start the program
HARTWinConf. The program finds the modem on the
respective communication port. In case that program reports
that the modem is not connected, the respective port can be
chosen on the driver panel HART.
The program allows setting of basic parameters of the
instrument for all HART instruments. This includes the
parameters that are given by the basic set of commands
HART and partly by the set of commands of routine practice.
For detailed setting of the instrument it is necessary, that the
application has a descriptive file available for the given HART
and its revision. Configuration can be saved as a file or printed
as a “Protocol on setting”.
The program also offers some service functions, such as
instrument fixed output mode on/off, delete the attribute of a
configuration change, etc. A detailed description of setting and
control can be found in the instructions manual to the
The transmitter in design EI1 can be configured using
the communicator HARTConf only if the transmitter,
communicator and connected wires are installed in
environment without any risk of explosion!
Description of setting and configuration using a manual
configurator HARTConf
HARTConf is a manual configurator for setting of basic
parameters of instruments with communication HART. A
detailed description of setting and control can be found in the
instructions manual to the configurator.
The transmitter in design EI1 can be configured using
the communicator HARTConf only if the transmitter,
communicator and connected wires are installed in
environment without any risk of explosion!
4.4 Operation and maintenance
Provided that the instrument is installed correctly, the operator
can read setting and measured values using a configurator.
Setting of the instrument may be changed only if a sudden
change of the output current cannot cause any failure of the
technological equipment or regulation (switch over the possible
regulator to manual control)!
The instrument does not need any maintenance.
5. Product specifications
5.1 Technical specifications
Supply voltage:
standard version
8.0 to 35 VDC
version EI1
8.0 to 30 VDC
Range of ambient temperatures:
-40 to +85 °C
< 95 % RH (without condensation)
Working position:
Maximal cross section of wires:
2.5 mm
case without terminals
case with terminals
107 x 120 x 23 mm
Weight (case with terminals):
P5335 L1x
135 g
P5335 L2x
205 g
Case material:
Ignitability class:
V0 (according to UL 94)
Reference ambient temperature:
20 to 28 °C
Input signal:
resistance signal of temperature sensor or potentiometer,
voltage signal of thermocouple, difference and diameter of
resistance signals, difference and diameter of voltage signals
Sensor connection:
Resistance sensor
Two-, three-, four-wire,
difference or diameter
Voltage sensor (thermocouple) Two-wire, difference
or diameter (two-wire)
External compensation sensor Two-wire
Dynamic range of input signal:
22 bit
Max. wire resistance:
Current through resistance sensor:
0.2 mA
Effect of wire resistance (3- / 4- wire):
< 0.002
Input resistance:
10 M
Cold junction compensation:
< ±1 °C
External compensation of cold junction with Ni100 or
-40 ≤ T
≤ 135 °C
Input resistance při měření napětí:
10 M