ARA-1 Operations Manual
Missed Syllables Mid-Conversation: Radio Side
The most likely cause of radio users noticing missed syllables in mid-conversation only is VOX
or VMR dropout. If the Network VOX/VMR hang time is incorrectly adjusted, the VOX or VMR
function may momentarily unkey the transmitter and then quickly rekey. Audio is lost during the
unkey/rekey process. The solution is to increase the hang time. See Section
It is also possible that the VOX/VMR threshold is set too high and/or the TX audio delay is too
short, though this would likely also cause missed syllables at the start of a transmission. See
Section 5.2.
Missed First Syllables: Network Side
If the users on the network end of an ARA-1 conversation miss the initial syllables of radio
messages sent over the network, the
Radio COR Type
is probably set to
, and the
function is not properly optimized. In this case, it is likely that the VOX threshold should be
made more sensitive. See Section 3.3.5 for configuration explanation and instructions.
If the threshold is too high, it is likely that the radio listener will also hear dropouts in the middle
of a conversation, rather than only at the beginning. See Section 5.5. There is no audio delay
setting that helps relieve this symptom.
Missed Syllables Mid-Conversation: Network Side
Radio VOX dropout is the most likely reason that users who are linked over the SIP network will
notice missed syllables (mid-conversation only) of a radio transmission. If the Radio COR VOX
hang time is incorrectly adjusted, the VOX may momentarily unkey the transmitter and then
quickly rekey. Audio is lost during the unkey/rekey process. The solution is to increase the hang
time. See Section
It is also possible that the Radio COR VOX threshold is set too high, though this would likely
also cause missed syllables at the start of a transmission. See Section 5.4.