ARA-1 Operations Manual
Internal Configuration
There are no internal user-configurable components, switches, or other controls. There should be
no need to ever open the ARA-1 case.
Power Requirements
The ARA-1 is designed to operate from a n12V DC supply. The unit will meet all of
its specifications over a voltage range of +11 to +15 VDC and will be damaged by a DC source
that delivers a constant (non-transient) DC voltage above this range. The DC power consumption
is 500 mA maximum. The AC adapter provided with the unit meets these specifications.
Use only the Class 2 power supply provided with the equipment.
Utilisez seulement la Class 2 de la generation electrique qui est
inclus avec l'equipement.
The ARA-1 is a microprocessor-controlled device. As with any such equipment, a very short loss
of power can cause operational problems and/or cause the unit to reset. The communications link
will be inoperable during the reset period. JPS recommends the ARA-1 and associated equipment
be connected to an AC power source that utilizes a UPS (uninterruptible power system). If the
overall site does not have UPS capability, the ARA-1 should be plugged into a smaller UPS, such
as those used for personal computer systems.
Installation Checklist
Table 2-1
Basic Installation Checklist
Determine ARA-1 network parameters
such as IP address, subnet mask, and
gateway address.
You must assign these values. If you are not sure
how to determine these values, see the network
administrator for your organization.
Provide suitable power for the device.
See Section 2.6.
Make interconnections.
See Section 2.8.
Adjust audio levels.
See Section 2.8.3.
Configure ARA-1 parameters.
See Section 3.
Rear Panel Adjustments and Connectors
Refer to Figure 2-2 for a view of the ARA-1 rear panel. All rear panel connectors and adjustment
potentiometers are explained below, starting at the left side of the panel.
DC Input Connector (J6)
The ARA-1 operates on a n12 VDC. The power is applied through J6 via the “wall
cube” AC adapter provided with the unit.
Connection to Radio or Another Four-Wire Device (J7)
The interface between the ARA-1 and associated radio or other audio device is made via J7
(Audio/Control) on the rear panel. J7 is a female DB-15 connector.