3.0 Requirements for
3.1 Distance from the surround to the
firewall (fig. 2A+2B)
If the wall behind the product is bricked up with the same
thickness as a firewall the surround may be placed right up to
the firewall.
Standard firewall requirements
The firewall must be at least
100 mm
thick and be made of brick,
concrete blocks or light concrete.
Other solutions may be recommended by your supplier.
3.2 Air circulation requirements
Air shall be allowed to circulate between the insert and the
The areas specified below for the air intake in the base and the
outlet at the top are minimum requirements. This is to ensure
that heat build-up in the surround is acceptable and so that there
is sufficient heat trans mitted into the room.
Necessary air openings for the Jøtul I
Maxi are:
Minimum 500 cm
free opening.
: Minimum
750 cm
free opening.
The openings required by the Jøtul S
have been allowed for.
3.3 Floor coverage requirements
Any flammable floor covering such as linoleum, carpet, etc.
must be removed from under the fireplace and floor plate.
3.4 Standard front plate requirements
In front of the fireplace a plate made of steel or other non-
flammable material should be used.
The size of the plate should
be according to the laws and regulations in each country.
Contact your local building authority regarding restrictions and
installation requirements.
3.5 Standard ceiling coverage requirements
If the stove cowling is bricked up to the ceiling and the ceiling is
made of combustible material, on top of the warming chamber
and the cowling vents an extra ceiling panel must be installed
to avoid heating the ceiling.
For example use:
Rock wool
100 mm
thick on top of a steel plate min.
0,9 mm
Ensure airing out the top of the stove cowling – for example an
20 mm
opening towards the ceiling.
4.0 Adjustment and
4.1 Painting the surround
All surrounds are delivered unpainted.
Painting may take place the day after installation. Use latex
paint. If a slight surface texture is desired mix a little tile cement
in with the paint.
4.2 Treating sheets of slate or marble
Remove all traces of glue and paint and wash the surface with
soap and water.
4.3 Cracks
After several month’s usage small cracks may appear in the joints
due to settling. These cracks can easily be repaired:
• Open up the cracks with, for example a screwdriver, in order
to give more space for the filler.
• Remove any dust with a vacuum cleaner.
• Inject an acrylic filler into the cracks and smooth over with
a wet soapy finger.
• After a couple of days the join may be painted.