2003 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Marines’ Walk & Pillars
Identify the marines’ walk (406) and pillars (128) and paint black. The pillars fit through the foremost opening in the second
beakhead platform, and flush against the forward face of the third head timber, with the notch in the pillar securing to the
beakhead platform. The marines’ walk then fits directly on top of the pillars with the aft end resting on the beakhead bulkhead
plank sheer, flush against the forward face of the fourth and fifth timberheads and inside the third and sixth timberheads.
The Poop Deck
Locate and fit the poop deck camber beam (38) as shown on
Plan Sheet 1
. Fit the 0.8mm ply poop deck, sand for fit and when
satisfied, secure in position with pins and glue. Remove the upright stubs from the bulkheads and sand flush with the deck.
Using 1x4mm Tanganyika strip, plank the deck from the centre out to the bulwark (currently consisting of the top gunport
pattern and second planking), remembering to clear the openings as you progress. Cut a template from scrap 1.5mm ply, to fit
against the inside face of the bulwark, glue in position and line with 1x4mm walnut. Identify and fit the poop deck capping
(390), the capping should overhang the hull by approximately 1mm, the quadrant between the poop and quarterdeck capping
can now be ‘capped’ with 1x5mm walnut and sanded flush with the inner and outer hull faces.
The front edge of the poop deck is ‘capped’ with a plank sheer of 1x4mm walnut, between the bulwark capping rails, flush
with the front edge of the decking. The fore end of the bulwark capping rails should now be gently sanded flush with this
1x4mm plank sheer.
Locate the two poop deck support knees (403) and paint yellow. The knees are fitted against the quarterdeck bulwark, directly
in front of the quarterdeck screen assembly, and tight against the deck head.