2003 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Side Entry Port & Steps
Identify the side entry port castings (675, 676, 677) and paint as shown (
Photo 038
). Secure the castings around the entry port
as shown on
Plan Sheet 5
Identify the steps (181 – 190) and the elm tree pump tube lining (604). Secure to the hull with super glue as shown on
Sheet 5
, each component should be painted to match the yellow and black bands of the hull behind.
Photo 038
The Fenders & Chesstrees
Identify the fenders (170) and chesstrees (171). Fit to the hull as shown on
Plan Sheet 5
, they should be painted to match the
yellow and black bands of the hull behind.
The top edge of the fenders sits flush with the top of the waist capping rail, to achieve this a small section of the capping
rail will have to be filed flush with the hull where each fender intersects it. The chesstree, however, butts up against the
underside of the waist capping rail. Where the fenders and chesstrees intersect any wales, the section of wale behind will need
to be removed to allow them to sit flush against the hull, alternatively a section can be filed from the back of the fenders and
The Channels
Identify the channels (200, 201, 202, 203 & 204). Temporarily pin the channels in place as determined from
Plan Sheet 5
, take
care with both the positioning and orientation of the channels. The position is critical to ensure correct fit of the chainplates
and the orientation is critical to ensure the pre-cut slots for the shroud deadeyes are in the correct position. It is easy to fit a
channel upside down therefore reversing the position of the shroud deadeyes, take care. Using
Plan Sheet 2
for reference, fit
the appropriate size deadeyes, in strops, to the channels. After fitting the deadeyes and strops, a strip of 1.5x1.5mm walnut is
secured across the edge of the channel, covering the slots, the strip should be positioned centrally to produce a 0.25mm lip
above and below. The copper eyelets and studding sail boom bracket (684) and support (685), as shown on
Plan Sheet 18
, can
also be fitted now. These whole assemblies should be painted black, glued and pinned to the hull.
take care when painting the deadeyes and strops to ensure the deadeyes are rotated to the correct alignment for rigging as
shown on
Plan Sheet 12
, as after painting it will be almost impossible to rotate them.