2003 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Poop Deck Fixings
Flag Lockers
Locate and paint black the inner transom knees (173). These are fitted on the poop deck, flush against the inner face of the
stern fascia, the knees are positioned 6mm apart, and the ensign staff support (260) is secured on top, across the knees.
Identify the flag locker components, it is highly recommended that you number these parts prior to removal from their sheets.
When you have removed the parts from their sheet, assemble the lockers as shown on
Plan Sheet 4, ‘Flag locker assembly’
The 1.5mm walnut outer components (399 & 400) should be painted black while the 0.8mm parts are left natural. The lockers
fit onto the poop deck and flush against the knees and the inner face of the stern fascia. The outer transom knees (174 & 175)
can now be fitted, the bases sit on the poop deck 20mm from the inner knees, and the tops sit on the top of the flack locker. An
‘iron’ horse made from 0.7mm brass also runs between the inner transom knees approximately 10mm in front of the flag
lockers as shown (
Fig 019
). The horse is secured into two 0.75mm holes drilled into the upper face of the knees.
Fig 019
Snatch Block, Cleats & Kevels
Identify the two poop snatch blocks (78). These are to be painted black and secured centrally to the poop capping, directly in
front of the stern fascia.
Plan Sheet 4
for reference, four medium cleats, painted black should be secured to the poop deck, two large cleats, also
painted black, should be secured to the poop bulwark and a small cleat, painted black, should be secured to the starboard inner
transom knee.
Identify and paint black the poop kevels (169). These are secured to the poop bulwark and poop decking as shown on
Sheet 4
The skylight (335, 336, 337) is assembled as shown on
Plan Sheet 4, ‘Skylight assembly’
the side and end piece windows are cut off centre, and the skylight should be assembled such that the deepest edge sits
on the deck, as shown (
Fig 020
All of the windows are glazed and framed, the glazing can either be cut individually and pressed into the openings with the
brass etched frames, or a strip of glazing can be applied to the back of the skylight components. The brass etched frames
should be painted brown (wood effect) and the whole assembly left unpainted and varnished. Glue the assembly into position
over the opening in the poop deck.
Fig 020
Skylight top
Skylight top