2003 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Copper Plating
Plan Sheet 2
for dimensioning, mark onto the hull the waterline. Make sure the hull is completely level when marking.
When coppering, the hull will have to be laid on its side. To protect the hull lay it on some large towels or similar.
Start coppering from along the keel upwards working from stern to bow. Each line of plates should be staggered by 50% to the
plate below (similar to laying bricks) (
Photo 015
). To glue the plates to the hull use a medium to thick super glue. Apply a spot
of glue to the middle of the underside of the copper plate. Apply the plate to the hull using a pair of tweezers and then gently
push the plate onto the hull to spread the glue.
To cut the plates to the correct shape at the curves and when you reach the waterline, mark off onto the plate the excess area to
be cut, lay the plate on a hard flat surface and cut off the excess with a heavy-duty craft knife. Alternatively the plate can be cut
with scissors but will then need to be rolled back to flat using a small piece of softwood doweling on top of a block of flat soft
wood (
Photo 016
If on reaching the waterline you have not achieved an absolutely straight line this can easily be overcome. Apply sellotape all
around the hull just above the waterline. Press the edges down firmly to avoid any paint seepage. Using a fine brush paint the
area between the top of the copper plates and the bottom edge with copper paint. Once dry remove the sellotape for a near
perfect waterline. The underside of the keel and the end of the rudder and rudder post can either be coppered or, for ease,
copper painted.
The copper plates are supplied in two bags, when you are ready to start plating it is advisable to open both bags and mix
them together. We have found that opening one bag, using these plates, then opening the second bag results in a colour
variation between the plates due to different oxidation rates.
Photo 015
Photo 016
Upper Gun Deck Fixings
Make up seven sets of grating kits from the grating strips (720) which are to be slotted together as shown (
Fig 004
). When
completed, brush on watered down PVA glue to secure the strips and once dry trim to fit in their respective deck openings.
The coamings on the outside of the gratings are made from 3x4mm walnut strip. The coaming should be level with the grating.
When the grating assemblies are in place, cut out and glue the shot garlands (244-251) into place as shown on
Plan Sheet 3
Fig 004